We are a collection of individuals / families who are looking for a place to build our home on, we call it Zkollektivet. Zkollektivet will be a place where we can show principles of self sufficinecy, where we can give our children a chance to learn how to create a life in harmony and close contact with nature and loving people and we are now looking for the perfect place to start. To run this in best way possible we have created a non profit organization that will be the owner of the land and houses.
Most of us now live in cities and have grown tired of our superficial culture and the constant quest for money that occupies most of the modern human life. We have become slaves to a system that was originally supposed to provide us with security but instead only created more stress, uncertainty, separation, marginalization and competition. Physical and mental diseases of all kinds has increased drastically and we see a connection between stress and the very unhealthy lifestyle that is the norm today. The food we eat is produced in a way that shows no respect for the natural processes that actually create clean and healthy food. Huge mono productions kills microbiology in the soil, which leads to fertilization of soil is necessary. It adds since only a few of the essential nutrients that our biology requires. Moreover, this production cycle entirely dependent on fossil fuels, Oil, an energy resource that is constantly rising in price p.g.a. the ever lower production.We are so dependent on this source of energy that we wage war and kill each other to ensure the few assets that remain.
If we are to move forward as a species on this planet so this behavior must stop and we must find another way to live. This is the case with Zkollektivet, to show the world that we can actually live in a way where man and nature cooperates, but that we must go back to the 1800s. We can enjoy most of the amenities that we have become accustomed to without the waste and poisoning the environment. However, this requires that we are willing to change our behavior and the patterns and practices that currently make up our everyday lives.
But this is about much more than economics, energy and organic food, this is about the fundamental values that govern our entire culture. From an early age we are taught to compete against each other and elbowing our way of life with the goal to get as high as possible in the hierarchy are governed by our professions. Why can not we learn to grow healthy food in schools? Why can not we learn to build healthy and sustainable housing? Why can not we learn the things that are actually important to us? These things should be as high on the priority list as mathematics, Learning to read and write, if not even higher. These things relate to our survival and to learn to cooperate, communicate and how they relate to each other should be at the center. This could be the starting point for everything we learn in school. All students were able to get a piece of land, tool, resources are detected and the guidance needed to create a self-sufficient life. In this process, most substances that we now read in the school to conclude and give a practical application so that they had a real impact on children and young people. Instead, sit our young people and yawning in the classroom leading to school time for many is completely wasted time.
We therefore reverse the trend of insanity and start working towards a healthy society, where we share to each of the resources wisely and do not constantly strive to personally own more and more just for the sake. Zkollektivet aims to become the light house that shows the way and inspires this and coming generations.